“The Millionaire Next Door” by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko offers a revealing glimpse into the lives of America’s wealthy individuals. Contrary...
On Friday, December 4, 2020, the United States Department of Education (ED) announced that coronavirus student loan relief measures have been extended through January...
Each year, thousands of borrowers struggle with repaying their federal student loan debt after they attended predatory schools that lied or withheld important information...
We love hitting milestones. As a fast-growing, bootstrapped company on a mission to make financial planning accessible to everyone, it’s incredibly satisfying to watch...
Hedging is a strategy used by investors to manage risks associated with their investments. It involves taking positions in financial instruments that have a...
Agriculture Financing
What is Agricultural Financing?
Agricultural finance is the provision of multiple types of services dedicated to supporting both on- and off-farm agricultural activities and businesses including input...
Homespire Mortgage is honored to be recognized as a Silver Tier Lender by The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) at their...
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Student loan borrowers — in particular, federal student loan borrowers — do have some options for managing student...
The buy-to-let (BTL) market differs significantly from residential mortgages, involving unique considerations such as rental yield calculations, background portfolio stress tests and understanding...
In conclusion, 30-day challenges offer a transformative path to personal growth and self-improvement across various aspects of life. By committing to short-term goals and...